7 hours ago

Ryanair has raised its full year traffic forecast from 103 million to 104 million customers for 2015, and also increased its profit guidance by 25 per cent to €1.2 billion.
The news came during the airline’s annual general meeting in Dublin this morning.
At the same event, the airline briefed shareholders on the continuing success of the “Always Getting Better” customer experience programme.
Developments here included new primary airports in Amsterdam, Cologne, and Copenhagen, a new personalised website with advanced features (‘hold the fare’), an improved mobile app, new cabin interiors, crew uniforms and improved inflight menus.
Ryanair shareholders also heard of plans to distribute the proceeds from the sale of the carrier’s 29.8 per cent stake in Aer Lingus.
The Irish carrier will distribute €398 million via a ‘B’ Share programme which will be concluded, subject to EGM approval, before December.
This will bring the total funds returned by Ryanair to shareholders this year to €800 million and in excess of €3.3 billion since 2008.