Lufthansa completes new business class rollout across fleet

Lufthansa has now successfully completed the most extensive cabin renewal programme in the company’s history.

As of now, only aircraft with new cabin interiors are in scheduled service.

Thus, all 106 Lufthansa long-haul aircraft in the Business and Economy Class are equipped with the latest cabins and the newest seats.

In 76 aircraft passengers can indulge in the new First Class cabins.

Since 2011, Lufthansa has invested an average of around €1 million per day in the refurbishing of the cabins.


The total investment amounts to around €1.5 billion.

In a unique refurbishing programme on all long-haul aircraft, Lufthansa Technik exchanged, modified or installed around 39,000 seats in an unparalleled refurbishing program on the long-haul aircraft: 600 seats in First Class, 7,000 seats in Business Class and more than 27,600 seats in Economy Class.

For the new Premium Economy Class, which has already become a bestseller, 3,600 new seats are being installed in Lufthansa’s long-haul aircraft.

From autumn onwards, passengers on all long-haul flights can travel in Premium Economy.

The new Business Class, which has been outstandingly evaluated by customers, has been upgraded with cosy lying and sitting comfort.

Through the push of a button, the seat can be transformed into a comfortable bed with a horizontal reclining area of 1.98 metres in length.

A generous spacing to the neighbour ensures pleasant privacy.

In addition, since August, the new restaurant service is being introduced successively on all A380 flights, as well as the Gulf and Asia routes.

The culinary experience on board is oriented towards the service of a high-class restaurant.

The table is set individually by the cabin crew and the food and drinks are served directly from the galley.

For Lufthansa, the new, high-standard integrated passenger comfort is a further important step on the way to becoming the first Western five-star airline.

During the course of the retrofit, Lufthansa Technik processed more than 300,000 official approval documents and transported more than 2,400 40 foot containers with material worldwide to eight different production sites.

More than 1.4 million work hours alone were invested in the physical retrofitting of the aircraft.