July 14, 2015By: Newswire


Hawaii social media influencer, Chelsea Yamase

Waikiki Parc hotel is kicking-off Hawaii’s active summer season with the debut of its second video in the #MyParcStory digital series, an innovative campaign that showcases Oahu’s amazing outdoor offerings and activities.

The videos highlight local influencers that live and breathe the Hawaii active lifestyle and are passionate about giving back to their community.

The new video launches on Tuesday, July 21 and showcases popular Hawaii social media influencer, Chelsea Yamase. From surfing in the deep blue ocean, hiking the Pillbox trail at Lanikai, to dirt biking in a backcountry adventure, Yamase is an explorer who embodies the quintessential Oahu wanderlust spirit.

Yamase’s #MyParcStory video will debut and be featured alongside the first clip in the series with leading surf photographer, Zak Noyle on a new webpage on the Waikiki Parc website at www.waikikiparc.com/myparcstory-0. In addition, travel and adventure enthusiasts who share their photos on social media with the hashtag #MyParcStory can see their moments highlighted on this interactive webpage.

To celebrate the #MyParcStory video launch, Yamase will do a “takeover” of Waikiki Parc’s Instagram@waikiki_parc, from July 19-21 counting down to the debut of her “Parc Story.” To join the conversation, share your photos and tag @waikiki_parc using the hashtag #MyParcStory.

Visit www.waikikiparc.com


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