December 10, 2014 By: Newswire


Turtle Bay Resort
Turtle Bay Resort // photo by Turtle Bay Resort 

Turtle Bay Resort, located on Ohau’s North Shore, will now be using Marketo Marketing in hopes of connecting with customers on a wider scale. Turtle Bay aims to communicate with current and future customers using Marketo’s services, which focus on engagement. Marketo is headquartered in California and serves over 3,000 companies.

“For the first time, Marketo gives us the ability to understand new and returning visitor interests and tailor our marketing accordingly,” said vice president and general manager of Turtle Bay, Danna Holck. “Ensuring each experience creates memories that last a lifetime.”

Turtle Bay offers guests a range of amenities and activities, including snorkeling, surfing and golf throughout its 850 acres. It also features a spa and more than five eateries.

For more information, visit or


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