January 20, 2015 By: Newswire

SpaHalekulani, Halekulani’s spa, kick-starts 2015 with a brand-new “Living-Well Lecture Series.” 

The public is invited to join Halekulani’s resident lifestyle coach, Kamala Skipper, to learn how to better themselves by eating well and establishing healthy habits to energize their lives. The hour-long classes will be offered on a monthly basis at Halekulani’s Conference Room. Halekulani is located on Oahu, Hawaii.

The first event, “Jumpstart Your Health – New Year, New You!,” will be held on Saturday, January 31 at 11 a.m. Led by Skipper, guests will learn how to remove obstacles in their path to well-being by introducing whole foods and healthy habits to feel their best. Attendees will also have an opportunity to sign-up and attend a presentation after the lecture for the SpaHalekulani New Year’s Cleanse, offering a comprehensive guide and a step-by-step daily detoxification protocol with recipes and Skipper’s guidance along the way for a five-day experience. The cleanse cost is $225.

Upcoming Living-Well Lectures will be on February 28, March 28 and April 25 at 11 a.m. The February presentation, “Increasing the YUM factor” will discuss ways to enhance your meals and receive the most nutrients for overall enjoyment. In March, “The Energy Solution” class will teach you how to use food and lifestyle to naturally increase your energy levels and feel more alive! April’s lecture is “Food Freedom,” where you can discover ways to curb your food cravings by first understanding the causes and then learn alternative means to satisfy these desires.

Living-Well Lectures are complimentary for Halekulani guests. For non-hotel guests and kama‘aina, the cost to participate is $25 per session and each paying guest will receive a $25 SpaHalekulani gift certificate for future spa services.

The lectures will take place every last Saturday of the month for the entire year of 2015. Private Consultations with Skipper are also available for a fee.

Visit www.halekulani.com/living-well-lecture-series and www.halekulani.com.


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