June 19, 2015By: Newswire
Recently, Results! Travel members had the chance to brainstorm, collaborate, network and share ideas on the travel industry through a number of “Town Hall Meetings” held across the United States. The discussions ranged from trade tips to new marketing and recruitment initiatives, with some locations boasting major sponsors.
Delta Air Lines, the host of the May 19 Town Hall Meeting in Los Angeles, promoted the advantages of its new roundtrip service from Los Angeles to Shanghai, China. This transcontinental route will offer easy access for customers seeking to explore Asia. Flight routes will start on July 9 of this year.
The company also recognizes that the national meetings are vital tools among travel agents across the country. Agencies represented come from all corners of the United States, including Puerto Rico, and range from expertise in leisure to business travel. Results! Travel hopes to attract more prospective members from all areas of the United States through its new promotion. For a limited time, the company will waive the initial membership fee of $1,500 and the first annual fee of $300 for new members.
For more information on the promotion, call 800-234-8241 ext. 100 or visit www.resultstravel.com.
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