July 8, 2015By: Newswire

The Miami Herald is reporting that the Chinese construction company that is the general contractor for the $3.5 billion Bahamian resort development, Baha Mar, said Tuesday that the project’s numerous delays were a result of mismanagement by the developer.

Some examples of mismanagement, the company claimed, included 1,300 construction change orders and replacing the principal architect after construction had already begun.

According to the Miami Herald report, in filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in Delaware last week, Baha Mar Ltd. — the developer of the resort being built along Nassau’s Cable Beach — said that repeated delays by the contractor, CCA Bahamas, and resulting loss of revenue because of missed deadlines for opening the resort had led to its bankruptcy decision.

“Baha Mar Ltd.’s decision to file for bankruptcy protection is the direct result of its failure to secure adequate financing and its mismanagement of the design of Baha Mar resort project,” said CCA Bahamas in its first statement on the bankruptcy. According to the Miami Herald, in addition to the change orders and the new architect, CCA Bahamas said the developer was responsible for “late and incomplete delivery of design packages.”

For the Miami Herald report, click here and keep visiting www.travelagentcentral.com for more updates on this story.


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