January 14, 2015 By: Newswire

panama jazz festivalGot jazz-loving clients currently jetsetting in Panama?

Tell them about the ongoing 12th annual Panama Jazz Festival (PJF), which kicked off Monday and runs through Saturday. Tickets are still available for purchase through the TicketPlus website, ventas.ticketplus.com.pa/, and other Official Points of Sale for PJF 2015.

Clients staying with American Trade Hotel during the festival will receive two tickets to a Danilo’s Jazz Club show of their choice.

Since its conception, the event has welcomed more than 200,000 lovers of jazz to date. Online ticket sales are on offer to enhance the comfort of the spectator who will be able to choose their seat according to their preference (general or VIP) of location quickly and safely.

With regards to the program, the Artistic Director Danilo Pérez announced the participation of the following artists: Children of the Light Trio with Danilo Pérez, Rubén Blades, Benny Golson, Claudia Acuña, Miguel Zenón, Brian Blade and The Fellowship Band, Pedrito Martínez, and Tribute to Eric Dolphy by Phil Ranelin and Matt Marvuglio. Click here to see who has and hasn’t performed yet.

Visit www.panamajazzfestival.com.


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