January 29, 2015

Close-up carThe Southland Times recently reported that 25 percent of vehicle crashes on Southland roads involved an overseas driver (as compared to the six percent national average). Between 2009 and 2013, it was estimated that 173 of the 692 crashes on Southland roads were a result of foreign drivers who were unfamiliar with local roads.

In an attempt to alleviate the problem, Southland police has teamed up with the NZTA and the Rental Car Association by launching the Visiting Drivers Project, a program designed to assist drivers who are new to Southland’s roads.

In the past year, 20,000 trial travel tags were implemented in Queensland. The tags, which provided visitors with helpful safety reminders, were found to be helpful by 70 percent of the drivers on whom they were tested.

According to the NZTA, rental companies throughout New Zealand will begin to adopt the tags as a precaution.


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