March 17, 2015 By: Newswire

handshakeNexion Canada is celebrating the second anniversary of its hosting program in the Canadian marketplace.

To date, the program has attracted more than 100 agents.

“Nexion Canada’s first two years have been highlighted by our innovative approach to the Canadian travel agency landscape,” said Nexion Canada President Mike Foster. “In addition to the new systems and tools we’ve introduced to our agents, along with cementing our already superior and long-established supplier relationships, we have developed business-building marketing programs to help our agents establish their own personal brands.”

Throughout the past year, Nexion Canada has celebrated an abundance of milestones including:

– Additional advancements to its OnTarget program
– Carnival Cruise Lines launching an in-depth training program exclusively for Nexion Canada
– The launch of Smart Leads by Nexion
– Three Nexion Canada agents honored with Nexion’s Circle of Excellence Award
– The launch of Nexion Canada’s “step-by-step welcome guide”
– Nexion Canada Takes Agent Reporting to the Next Level with SmartView

For more information call 866-399-9989 or email [email protected].


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