August 19, 2015By: Newswire

The 25th annual Jamaica Product Exchange (JAPEX), set to take place at the Montego Bay Convention Centre from September 20-22, will place special focus on the markets of Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America.

JAPEX is Jamaica‘s premier travel trade show and serves as a forum for leading Jamaican suppliers of the island’s tourism product to meet with travel wholesalers and tour operators.

Registration is now underway for the travel trade show hosted by the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA) and the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB), which will again feature the industry seminars and the tourism linkages hub.  Last year’s JAPEX attendance featured 113 buyers along with 277 participants from 105 supplier companies, and approximately 30 media members from the U.S., Canada, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean.

“This annual trade show provides the ideal opportunity for qualified international buyers, travel wholesalers and tour operators to learn about the island’s tourism product from our top suppliers,” said Paul Pennicook, Jamaica’s director of tourism, in a written release. “It’s an important marketing and networking forum, providing a great opportunity for our local tourism partners, particularly the smaller companies, to meet directly with the trade industry and update them on what’s new in our marketplace.”

According to Nicola Madden-Greig, president of the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association, it is anticipated that more than 200 buyers will attend this year with more than 100 travel agents expected. She indicated that this year, special focus is being placed on attracting buyers from Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America.

“With the expansion in both hotel room stock and attractions as well as major upgrades of several product across the destination, tour operators who have not previously sold Jamaica should take a closer look and participate this year because the island is in demand,” said Madden-Greig. “The market is loving Jamaica and they should not miss an opportunity to sell what is becoming a truly magnificent product.”

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