October 23, 2015By: Newswire


etihad and airberlin
Photo by airberlin/RAPP

Etihad Airways has announced that the Administrative Court of Braunschweig in Germany has awarded it an injunction allowing the airline to continue operating all its codeshare flights with airberlin to destinations in Europe, the U.S. and the UAE.

The injunction, which is valid until November 8, provides an opportunity for the parties to resolve outstanding differences through ongoing consultation between the governments of the United Arab Emirates and Germany, Etihad said. Etihad Airways and airberlin will continue to honour all flights and passenger travel arrangements will remain entirely unaffected.

Etihad said it was forced to launch this legal action as Germany’s Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure had not approved Etihad Airways codesharing on the airberlin services during the IATA Winter 2015 / 2016 schedule, which begins in two days on October 25, 2015.

Since 2012, the German civil aviation authority, the LBA, and the Ministry of Transport have approved seven Etihad Airways schedules, including all of the codeshares with airberlin, on the basis of the Air Services Agreement signed by the UAE and Germany in March 1994 and the Agreed Minutes and Revised Route Schedule signed in June 2000.

A dispute arose in August 2014 because of a unilateral change of opinion by the Ministry of Transport, concerning the codeshare provisions of those bilateral agreements, Etihad said.

Visit www.etihad.com


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