October 19, 2015By: Newswire

costa luminosaCosta Luminosa won a perfect score — 100 percent — in a recent inspection conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The inspection was held October 14, during a call at San Francisco on the ship’s Around-the-World cruise.

CDC inspections are part of the Vessel Sanitation Program, which was introduced in the early 1970s and involves all passenger ships that call at a U.S. port. The inspections are unannounced and are carried out by officials from the United States Public Health Service twice a year. The score, on a scale from 1 to 100, is assigned on the basis of a comprehensive checklist with some 48 areas of hygiene and sanitation assessment, including food storage and preparation, water, shipboard personnel and overall cleanliness of the ship.

This is the 13th time since 2001 that a Costa Cruises ship has received perfect marks from the CDC.

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