May 18, 2015By: Newswire

Euro CoinsA strengthening U.S. dollar has allowed Signature Travel Network Members to benefit from an increase in client demand and higher customer spend.

Globally, the dollar has risen in value, particularly in Europe where the exchange rate to the euro has improved almost 22 percent compared to the same time last year.

U.S.-based FIT tour operators and international Signature destination specialists suggest that travel consultants use those savings to upgrade their clients’ customized Europe vacations.

“Travel advisors and their clients are taking advantage of the buying power of the dollar by including more options and upgrading to a higher category of room or moving to a higher-grade property,” said Jeffrey Bershaw, director of sales at Avanti Destinations. He also reports that within Avanti, Signature’s year-over-year growth has reached 19 percent in gross sales.

Kier Matthews, vice president of sales at Europe Express, also a Signature preferred FIT supplier, noted that bookings increased by 48 percent compared to last year.

The value of the dollar is also driving an increase in travel to other international destinations.

Travelstore reported an increase in bookings to Tahiti, which uses the euro as currency. Also, Swain Destinations has passed along 20 percent savings to its clients who are traveling to Australia this year, due to the fact that the Australian dollar has remained low compared the U.S. dollar.

Signature Travel Network is a member-owned, travel cooperative, headquartered in Marina del Rey, California. The network includes 196 member agencies with 439 retail locations in the United States, Canada, and Brazil.



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