July 22, 2015By: Newswire

"Fight the Carp"

The Bellagio is debuting a new performance on August 14 through 16. Renowned Japanese actor Ichikawa Somegoro will perform a never-before-seen, high-tech performance of Kabuki masterpiece “Koi Tsukami” on the Bellagio fountains.

The performance will include animation and water choreography. As the Kubuki masterpiece, meaning “Fight the Carp,” plays, images of an enormous fish and sea will be projected onto the fountains. The production will last 30 minutes with showings at 9:15 p.m. and 11:30 pm on Saturday and Sunday and a 9:15 p.m. showing on Friday.

The fountain performance is part of MGM Resorts‘ celebration of Japanese culture and the arts. Art installations by Masatoshi Izumi and a Japanese-inspired display at Bellagio’s Conservatory and Botanical Gardens are part of the ongoing effort to highlight Japanese art and culture.

Visit www.mgmresorts.com


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