Canada holiday visa

Photo: Bernard Walker

1. “The minimum amount of funds required will be more than enough.”

Wrong! The recommendation of $2500 dollars will be lucky to get you through three months if you don’t have a job on arrival. Your first couple of weeks could be spent at a hostel and eating out most nights, which isn’t cheap! On top of that, Canada offers so many tempting options when it comes to socializing that can be difficult to turn down. Don’t be caught out in the position of being the guy at the bar who can’t buy the girls he’s chatting up a drink. Bring as much money as you possibly can and you won’t regret it.

2. “I’m going to find my dream job.”

You honestly expected it to be as easy as walking into an interview and saying, “I’m from a foreign country, I’ve been to university, and I’m ready to start my dream job!” But you quickly realized there are thousands of other applicants also applying for that ideal role. It could take a number of months before you do get that position you long for, so just look for a job that will keep you above the poverty line while you continue your search for the Canadian Dream Job.

3. “I’ll get into ice hockey.”

We’ve all said we’d become interested in Canada’s favourite pastime. Prior to arriving, the only knowledge you possessed of the game was watching the Mighty Ducks movies. Now, after almost two years, that’s still probably all you know about ice hockey. Sure, the ability to converse with Canadians about something other than why you talk so funny would be great, but the effort of watching anything other than Sportsnet’s top 10 countdowns just doesn’t seem worth it!

4. It won’t be that cold.

When the second winter hits, you will feel just as the Jamaicans did when they landed at the Winter Olympics in Cool Runnings. Don’t waste your time purchasing what we call “winter clothes” back home! Wait until you land and make the investment of a lifetime by purchasing a winter coat and some warm leggings, because I promise you, it’s colder than your ex’s black heart over here!

5. “I won’t party as much as I did back home.”

Whether you’ve landed yourself in one the hippest cities in the world, or a town where there’s very little to do except drink, both scenarios will lead to you having one or two places where you mainly hang out. Canadians love to throw great parties and some of the venues available to hit up are just too much fun to pass on. Considering your home town only has one option available on a night out, why not make the most of the opportunity you’ve been handed?!

6. “I won’t get homesick.”

We all had to put on our bravest face when saying goodbye to our loved ones at the airport. Choking up and giving that one last hug is definitely the hardest part about emigrating. Although Canadians are incredibly welcoming and friendly people, there are days when you would kill to have your mother’s Sunday roast or hang out with old friends. A missed birthday or special occasion can be quite a sad time and it’s tough to get over.

7. “I won’t act like a tourist.”

Sooner or later, you will fall foul of being a tourist. Canada has so much to offer that it’s hard not to want to travel the length and breadth of the country with so much to see and do. The CN Tower won’t seem like a big deal at the start, but eventually you’ll be spending $35 dollars on the 58 second trip to the top. Not even your total lack of understanding of baseball will stop you shelling out an arm and a leg on merchandise at the Rogers Centre. Just try to hold on to your last bit of dignity and avoid taking iPad selfies!

8. “I’ll try to learn some Canadian history, geography etc.”

You’ll still refer to any place vaguely to the left of Ontario as “Out West” for as long as you’re here, and because you now use your debit card to pay for everything, you have no idea who anyone besides the Queen is on Canadian currency!

9. “I’ll go back home stinking rich.”

If you don’t plan on staying in Canada, it’s probably becuase you thought this was your opportunity to make a mint before you turned 30. Realistically, that was never going to happen and going out west to earn the big bucks was just a distant day dream.

10. “I won’t want to stay beyond my visa.”

You might say this at the start of your stay, but part of you will want to stay put. With so much to offer in terms of employment and year-round activities, the Great White North is an incredible place to settle down. Marrying a Canadian will go straight to the top of your priorities once your second year kicks in…either that or getting a decent job that might consider sponsoring you!

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