Have you ever wondered what it is like going “off the grid?” Most travelers imagine that off the grid travel means hiking in to a geographically isolated area with lots of bug spray, needing anti-malarial drugs, and wearing a pith helmet atop their head. This not exactly true. Most of the premier “off-the-grid” locations have become major travel destinations as more travelers simply want to get away from a familiar environment. And while some backwater places have obtained famous name retail stores and wonderful places to dine, most still have bare bones medical care.

So, travelers going to remote and isolated places need a plan for getting the health care they need. Due to the fact that a great deal of these remote and exotic locations lack sufficient options for medical assistance, many choose a membership with an air medical transportation service.


One example of how eco-tourism is changing is the Golden Buddha Resort, found on the island of Phang Nga in Southern Thailand. There is much to do on Phang Nga – scuba diving, nature walks, visiting the Heaven and Hell cave and more.
Phang Nga is a province of Thailand and a town in the province of the same name. As a coastal province, there is much to see on the ground and underwater. There is no airport in the province and the nearest is 58 km distance. Health care is spotty in the province too. Travelers need to plan for a medical emergency from an injury or an illness. Though the country enjoys a robust medical tourism reputation, most medical tourists come for elective procedures. For those looking to travel to Phang Nga, it is crucial to have a safety plan in case a medical emergency should present itself.

Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island is one of the most mysterious places on earth. It is famous for its giant moai statues and its inward-looking culture. Easter Island is the world’s most isolated populated island. Despite its isolation, it has become a popular tourist attraction. First settled by people from Polynesia and then people from South America, the island’s original name is Polynesian – Rapa Nui. Islanders developed their own culture, which has been made famous thanks to the moai that number in the hundreds and are found all over the island. The moai are about 1,500 years old and made of volcanic rock.

After exploring the ancient statues and unique landscapes, you can relax on the beach.
Easter Island is 1,300 miles from the nearest civilized place, Pitcairn Island, that has a population of just 50 people. While minor injuries and illnesses are treated on Easter Island, serious illnesses and injuries must be evacuated to mainland Chile, some 2,000 miles away and reachable quickly only by plane. The island does have an airport.

Corn Islands, Nicaragua

Two islands off the coast of Nicaragua make up the Corn Islands. The first is Big Corn, with a population of around 6,000 people. The other is Little Corn with less than 1,000 people living on it. Ten miles of often rough seas separate the two islands.
There are just two ways to get to the islands,

  • By ferry; and
  • By puddle jumper plane

Both types of transportation only go to Big Corn Island. To get from Big Corn to Little Corn Island requires a trip of about one hour by panga, a small boat that takes folks between the two islands.

Little Corn has a small population, but everyone who has visited leaves feeling amazingly calm and rested, almost as if they have been to the Garden of Eden. On Little Corn there are near deserted beaches, and walks through lush vegetation where there are outstanding views of waterfalls. At the beach, snorkeling is easy to do or hire a boat for about $20 to take you to the reef. Although the trip from Big Corn to Little Corn Island and its reverse is nerve-racking – it is well worth it.

These three trips have one thing in common, which is inadequate healthcare for major injuries or illnesses. Many travelers looking to travel off the beaten path are members of MedjetAssist, a membership only air medical transportation service. By becoming a member of an air medical transportation service, you never have to feel limited in your traveling options. Now, you can feel free to travel to remote destinations and experience out-of-the-ordinary adventures, knowing that if a medical emergency should arise, you can be transported safely to proper medical assistance.