According to the recent statistics about tourism in Italy, the occupancy of local hotels increased. The data also reveal an increase in airport traffic, and the revenues of Italian museums last year. Nevertheless, the amount of travel companies as well as people working in tourism is going down, reported Italian tourism association, Federalberghi.

According to the data of “Barometro del Turismo”, the fourth quarter of 2015 shows a continuity of the positive trend of hotel occupancy (+ 3.6%) that increased thanks to both foreigners (+ 4.1%) and Italian visitors (+ 3.2%).

The report also showed an increase of the foreign currency revenue in 2015 (+ 8.2%). In October, the last available data reveal that the foreign tourists’ expenses in Italy accounted for EUR 2.981 million (+1% compared to 2014). On the other hand, the expenses of Italians living abroad reached EUR 1.713 million which is -1.3% compared to 2014, resulting in a surplus of EUR 1.268 million.

Other significant numbers of the report on the tourism in Italy focus on local museums. Last year, 43 million visitors were attracted by Italian monuments and state archeological areas. This number is 6% more than in 2014. As a result, the sites generated revenues amounting to EUR 155 million (+14%) in 2015.

However, the number of employees in hotels decreased by 0.7% and 600 tourism businesses closed down last year.