Domestic destinations are the preferred choice of about 9 out of 10 Brazilians asked about this year’s holidays and trips, including the summer vacations and the popular carnival. This is the main finding of a recent study, “Consumer Survey – Travel Intent”, released by the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism

86.4% respondents said that they wanted to know more about Brazil, an 8% increase compared to December 2014. For travelers, the Northeast (36.9%) and Southeast (36.8%) is the most sought after regions for holidays, followed by the South (17.3%), Midwest (6.4%) and North (2.6%).

With respect to age, tourists under 35 years old have shown the most interest in Brazil tourism attractions and 88.9% of them plan their vacations in Brazil this year. Just behind them are the travelers between 35 and 60 years old (82.7% of them plan holidays within the country) and over 60 years old (70% plan holidays in Brazil).

The age group of people under 35 is also the one that looks the most for accommodation at friends or relatives house in order to enjoy the selected destination.

Furthermore, according to the study of the Brazil tourism, there is no difference in the preference of planes and cars for transport – 38.8% of travelers plan to go by plane and the same amount opts for the roads. The use of the bus appears as an option for 15% of the surveyed people who reported interest to travel in the following months, followed by 7.4% who showed interest in motorcycle travel, motor home, and ship, among others.

“Brazilians are increasingly interested in knowing the beauties and charms of our country, and this study proves the trend that has been led by the younger generations. They are discovering Brazil, and this should be celebrated,” commented Tourism Minister, Henrique Eduardo Alves.

The “Consumer Survey – Travel Intent” (or “Sondagem do Consumidor – Intenção de Viagem”)is held every month surveying 2000 people in Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and São Paulo. Together, the seven monitored Brazilian cities account for 70% of the tourist flow from Brazil.