

What are the biggest no-no’s while flying? Kicking the seat in front of you, according to Expedia’s second annual Airline Etiquette Study. The travel giant partnered with research firm GfK and asked 1,000 Americans to rank fellow fliers’ most bothersome actions.

Over two-thirds of respondents cited “rear seat kicker” as violating common etiquette. Inattentive parents came in second, with 64 percent of respondents mentioning them—probably for failing to control their seat-kicking child.  Odorous, noisy, and drunk passengers round out the top five. (The full list is shown at the end of this post.)

And while the top five is mostly repeat offenders from last year’s survey (noisy passengers replace overzealous chatters), what has changed is the consensus among respondents. In 2013, not a single breach of etiquette was cited by the majority of survey-takers. and only four were mentioned by at least a quarter. This year, the top five were each mentioned by at least fifty percent of respondents, and all but one misbehavior (seat switching, cited by 13 percent) received mentions from over a quarter.

Also of note:  This year, 49 percent of survey takers report that they cannot sleep on a plane, compared to last year’s 39 percent.

And, most importantly, Mile High Club membership is down: only five percent of respondents admit to having been “intimate” with someone on a plane. Last year that number was ten percent.

EXPEDIA AIRLINE ETIQUETTE SURVEY% of Respondents Citing Behavior
Etiquette Violators20142013
1Rear Seat Kicker6738
2Inattentive Parents6441
3The Aromatic Passenger5628
4The Audio Insensitive (talking or music)5119
5The Boozer5026
6Chatty Cathy4323
7Carry-On Baggage3913
8The Armrest Hog3811
9Seat-Back Guy (the seat recliner)3713
10The Queue Jumper (rushes to deplane)3512
11Overhead Bin Inconsiderate (stows bag in first available spot,
rather than nearest to his/her seat)
12Pungent Foodies329
13Back Seat Grabber3112
14Playboy (reads or watches adult content)30n/a
15The Amorous (inappropriate affection levels)299
16Mad Bladder (window seat passenger who makes repeat bathroom visits)289
17Undresser (removes shoes, socks or more)269
18The Seat Switcher135

Peter Schlesinger is a research assistant at Travel + Leisure, and a member of the Trip Doctor news team. You can find him on Twitter at @pschles08.

Photo courtesy of iStockphoto

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